Moonlight Black Bear AMAROO AION: V1, Romania's Prime Junior, Best Dog!
Moonlight Black Bear AMAROO AION: V1, Romania's Prime Junior & BEST DOG
Moonlight Black Bear AMAROO AION:
V1,     ROMANIA'S PRIME JUNIOR     &     B E S T     D O G
Moonlight Black Bear AMAROO AION: V1, Romania's Prime Junior & BEST DOG

Moonlight Black Bear Amaroo Aion "Bono" nahm ebenfalls am Wochenende
an der CAC National Dog Show in Craiova teil, und bekam nicht nur die beste Bewertung V1 (Exc.1),
sondern wurde auch noch

ROMANIA'S PRIME JUNIOR UND BEST DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Richter: Herr Muntean

Big congratulations to you, Calin & Corina! It's really an amazing success and I am very proud and happy for you
Many, many greetings to you and big hugs to Bono!

Und hier noch Bono ganz privat:
{yoogallery src=[/images/stories/welpen/a-wurf/a-wurf-news/bono_2009-04-04/] height=[0] width=[170]  title=[Moonlight Black Bear Amaroo Aion - BONO] effect=[fade] spotlight=[1] prefix=[thumb100_] thumb_cache_dir=[thumbs100] thumb_cache_time=[1440] load_lightbox=[0] thumb=[polaroid] rel=[lightbox[=[Moonlight Black Bear Amaroo Aion - BONO]] resize=[1] order=[asc]}